Search results

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    Rapidgator and ISPs Appeal Domain Name Blockade and Seizure

    Rapidgator and ISPs Appeal Domain Name Blockade and Seizure Earlier this week in a copyright infringement crackdown initiated by the Italian authorities more than two dozen file-sharing domains were placed on ISP blocklists. One of those domains was Rapidgator, one of the world's leading...
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    Killer Joe Sues VPN-Using BitTorrent Pirates

    "Killer Joe" Sues VPN-Using BitTorrent Pirates With a budget of $10 million and under $2 million in domestic grosses, the movie "Killer Joe" didn't provide the box office successes its makers had hoped for. To make up for disappointing sales, movie studio "Killer Joe Nevada" is now turning to...
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    isoHunt Verdict Endangers Innovation, Google Tells Court

    isoHunt Verdict Endangers Innovation, Google Tells Court Last month BitTorrent site isoHunt lost its appeal against the MPAA and since then several rightsholders have used this verdict to their advantage in other copyright infringement cases. Google has also been targeted with the ruling in...
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    Hijacker Tears Large BitTorrent Site Apart, Succeeds Where U.S. Authorities Failed

    Hijacker Tears Large BitTorrent Site Apart, Succeeds Where U.S. Authorities Failed Despite regular complaints from rightsholders and direct pressure from the United States Trade Representative, little has been done to shut down or even damage Bulgaria's Zamunda BitTorrent tracker. This...
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    Interpol Probe Targets Funds of Major File-Hosting Services

    Interpol Probe Targets Funds of Major File-Hosting Services Citing an Interpol investigation underway with the cooperation of Mastercard and Visa, Czech-based payment processor iKoruna discontinued service to file-hosting sites this week. The target of the investigation was not announced but...
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    Pirate Bay Proxy Now Included in Secret ISP Blocklist

    Pirate Bay Proxy Now Included in Secret ISP Blocklist In the UK a range of sites are now blocked including The Pirate Bay, KickassTorrents, H33T and Fenopy. But despite very public High Court orders the true extent of the censorship is unknown as the actual URL blocking list is being kept out...
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    Pirate Bay Founder Charged With Hacking Companies and a Bank

    Pirate Bay Founder Charged With Hacking Companies and a Bank A Swedish prosecutor has announced new hacking related charges against Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm.Together with three others he is suspected of hacking several companies including a bank,from where the defendants...
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    Pirate Bay Founder Charged With Hacking Companies And a Bank

    Pirate Bay Founder Charged With Hacking Companies And a Bank A Swedish prosecutor has announced new hacking related charges against Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm.Together with three others he is suspected of hacking several companies including a bank,from where the defendants...
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    Large Piracy 'Topsite' Trial Ends in Suspended Sentences, 'Disappointing' Damages

    Large Piracy 'Topsite' Trial Ends in Suspended Sentences, 'Disappointing' Damages Finland's largest ever Internet piracy case has come to an end with six men standing trial for running a so-called 'topsite'. Two were cleared by the court but four others were found guilty of distributing...
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    Obsessed With Google, Copyright Holders Ignore The Actual Pirated Content

    Obsessed With Google, Copyright Holders Ignore The Actual Pirated Content When it comes to online piracy, copyright holders have an obsession with Google. Every month the search engine is asked to take down links to millions of URLs to help stop the unauthorizeddistribution of their work...
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    Massive BitTorrent and Cyberlocker Domain Crackdown Underway (Updated)

    Massive BitTorrent and Cyberlocker Domain Crackdown Underway (Updated) In what is being described as the biggest domain crackdown since US Homeland Security seized more than 70 domains in 2010, Italy has targeted more than two dozen BitTorrent, cyberlocker and other file-sharing sites. The...
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    BitTorrent Tracker Loses the Plot With Crazy Seeding Rules

    BitTorrent Tracker Loses the Plot With Crazy Seeding Rules All torrent sites rely on seeders, people who effectively donate their upstream bandwidth to provide content for others. Some go the extra mile and use a seedbox, a server-based piece of kit that pumps content into torrent swarms...
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    Protecting BitTorrent Users from VPN Disconnects

    Protecting BitTorrent Users from VPN Disconnects Many privacy concerned BitTorrent users are using VPN services to hide their IP-addresses from the rest of the Internet. This works well, until the VPN disconnects. Luckily there are some tips and tricks that can prevent one's IP-address from...
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    Pirate Party Crowd-Sources File-Sharing Fine Settlements

    Pirate Party Crowd-Sources File-Sharing Fine Settlements Anyone obtaining and sharing files on the Internet should be aware of the risk that someone, somewhere, might consider their behavior to constitute a breach of their rights. If people are eventually held to account, painful monetary...
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    North Korea Pirates Spy Tools and Porn on BitTorrent

    North Korea Pirates Spy Tools and Porn on BitTorrent With only a few hundred IP-addresses North Korea's Internet presence is rather limited. Only a choice few are able to connect to the World Wide Web and access all the free information that comes with it. TorrentFreak decided to take a...
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    Police Handcuffed Then Attacked Me, Says Busted Torrent Site Owner

    Police Handcuffed Then Attacked Me, Says Busted Torrent Site Owner A torrent site owner who was arrested in 2008 but later found "not guilty" in court has been targeted again. The man, who runs Latvia's biggest torrent site, says that following the filing of a new copyright case the country's...
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    Google Relaxes DMCA Takedown Restrictions, Eyes Abuse

    Google Relaxes DMCA Takedown Restrictions, Eyes Abuse Following requests from some copyright holders, search giant Google has relaxed its DMCA restrictions allowing for more takedown notices to be processed.As a result the number of URLs being removed from Google continues to shoot up...
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    IMAGiNE Piracy Group Founder Jailed For 23 Months

    IMAGiNE Piracy Group Founder Jailed For 23 Months Another member of the movie piracy release group IMAGiNE has been sentenced to prison. Javier E. Ferrer, known online as bigdaddykane, admitted to camming pre-release movies such as Captain America: The First Avenger and Fright Night, and...
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    New Pirate Bay Greenland Domains (About to be) Seized

    New Pirate Bay Greenland Domains (About to be) Seized In anticipation of having their Swedish domain name seized, this week the crew of The Pirate Bay took evasive action. In the early hours of Tuesday morning they switched to two Greenland-based domains, but already the plan is starting to...
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    New Pirate Bay Greenland Domains About to be Seized

    New Pirate Bay Greenland Domains About to be Seized In anticipation of having their Swedish domain name seized, this week the crew of The Pirate Bay took evasive action. In the early hours of Tuesday morning they switched to two Greenland-based domains, but already the plan is starting to...