Pirate Bay Censorship Turns Proxies Into Local Heroes
All around the world the copyright lobby is pushing for increased censorship of 'pirate' websites, The Pirate Bay in particular. Thus far this has resulted in court-ordered blockades in several countries including the UK, the Netherlands...
Why Do Copyright Monopolists Think They Can Just Take Somebody Else's Work?
Copyright monopolists insist on the idea of controlling the fruits of other people's labor, such as when other people copy a particular file. This attitude is offensive, insulting, and antithetical to a free market...
HBO Wants Google to Censor…. HBO.com
Every week Google is asked to remove more than four million URLs from its search engine. While these automated requests are usually legitimate, mistakes happen more often than one might expect. In a recent DMCA notice HBO asked Google to censor links to...
Mediafire Swaps "Pirate" Links for "Buy Now" Button
The popular tile-hosting service Mediafire is proactively scanning users' publicly shared files for possible copyright infringements. When the company spots links that shouldn't be shared in the open, it replaces the download page with a...
Pirate Bay's Gottfrid Sends His Warmest Thanks to all Supporters
It's been a rough few months for Pirate Bay co-founder Gottrid Svartholm. After being plucked from his home in Cambodia, dragged back to Sweden and held in solitary, he's now being detained in a regular prison. The good news is...
Golden Eye Hit UK With Piracy Letters, First Innocents Step Forward
After a long and drawn out procedure, Golden Eye and associated company Ben Dover productions have finally begun sending out letters to alleged file-sharers in the UK. The letters, which contain claims of BitTorrent-related...
Kim Dotcom: Mega Search Engines Have to Play by the Rules
Kim Dotcom has admitted that Mega is behind the shut down of the French-based indexing site Search-Mega.me. Mega's team decided to take action because the site didn't have a takedown policy, which offended some copyright holders...
Russia Wants To Fine Websites For Poor Copyright Takedowns
The Russian government is proposing a fresh approach to the way website operators and service providers are expected to handle copyright takedowns. In a draft law the Ministry of Culture says that takedowns should be executed very...
Dotcom's Mega Removes Legal Files Citing Bogus DMCA Requests
In recent days thousands of files have been removed from Kim Dotcom's Mega, some based on bogus (DMCA) takedown notices. In some cases it takes just minutes before Mega disables access to users' files, claiming they've received a...
First Kiwi File-Sharer Guilty, But Lack of Evidence Kills Large Fines
New Zealand's Copyright Tribunal has handed down its first penalty to an Internet subscriber accused of downloading and sharing music without permission. While the case is a victory for the Recording Industry Association of...
CBS and CNET Protest Looming BitTorrent Client Ban
CBS and CNET have asked a Californian federal court not to grant a ban on the distribution offile-sharing software through Download.com. They responded to a request for a preliminary injunction from a coalition of artists and billionaire Alki...
Pirate Bay Founder Could Be Prosecuted For Hacking "Within a Month"
A Swedish prosecutor says that in a month's time he hopes to bring charges against Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm who is alleged to have hacked into an IT company working for Sweden's tax authority. Gottfrid's...
Antigua's Legal "Pirate Site" Authorized by the World Trade Organization
During a meeting in Geneva today the World Trade organization (WTO) authorized Antigua's request to suspend U.S. copyrights. The decision confirmed the preliminary authorization the Caribbean island received in 2007, and...
Music Biz Wants To Swap ISP Disconnections For Cash Fines
For years entertainment companies have put huge efforts into campaigns to inflict so-called "three strikes" campaigns on errant Internet users who download music and movies for free. The ultimate sanction of disconnection has always...
Mega Resellers Take Down PayPal Payment Option
After trumpeting the start of a campaign this week to cut off payment processing to Mega, an anti-piracy outfit has just announced some developments. According to Robert King of StopFileLockers, out of a total of ten current Mega resellers, four...
Will the Upcoming Six Strikes Scheme Stop Piracy?
The much-discussed U.S. six strikes anti-piracy scheme is expected to go live within a month. A reputable source told TorrentFreak that February 18 has been selected as the provisional launch date, but CCI denies this. In the meantime we'll...
Anti-Piracy Company 'Tests' Mega's Copyright Takedown Skills
During this week with millions of users signed up and several hundred million files uploaded, Mega has been receiving its first batches of DMCA complaints. According to information received by TorrentFreak, a French anti-piracy...
Court Refuses To Allow Copyright Troll To "Ensnare" Innocent Subscribers
In another victory against copyright trolls in the United States, a court has effectively ruined an adult movie company's chances ofscrewing any money out of potentially innocent Internet subscribers. The case, involving...
BitTorrent Launches Private and Secure Dropbox Alternative
BitTorrent Inc. has released a new application that allows users to securely sync folders to multiple devices using the BitTorrent protocol. The free application has no storage limits and can serve both as a public backup system and a...
Mega Launch Video Removed From YouTube By Music Rights Outfit
In yet another bizarre twist to the Mega story, for the second time in less than two years a video belonging to Kim Dotcom has been booted offline following an apparent bogus copyright infringement takedown request. After the video...
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