Search results

  1. Giga-Rapid

    Crawl a specific directory for a filetype

    Djlatino- ntg? :-P make a php that downloads your target page,several functions there are to do this in php,use regex To extract the url, once your done with php ,put it in cronjob in your linux server. should be done. if you know its easy,y you dont make
  2. Giga-Rapid

    Hiring Rapidleech Plugin Maker

    Hello All, I am looking for someone who can make/fix Rl download/upload plugins . I will pay 5$ or $7 or more per Plugin.depends on how much work. I will get you to fix or make many more plugins for payment .Hurry up! and interested peoples ping me please.
  3. Giga-Rapid

    Hiring [Hiring] Rapidleech Custom Mod developer Needed

    Hello, I am looking for a developer who can add some feature In my script.I already have a custom Rapidleech script .but it lacks several features. First of all I need a Upload account Editor - that can save upload account for each user. you should know what it does at all. if...
  4. Giga-Rapid

    Free rapidleech or another way to upload free

    Free things will get shutdown soon..if you are still looking for a free rapidleech to leech only .try but it have Many ads,you maynot like.
  5. Giga-Rapid

    Other Rapidleech or RDP with Skrill support

    If you are still looking .You can try rapidleech ,Giga-rdp supports skrill.
  6. Giga-Rapid

    Need Review ( Rapidleech ) - Urgent

    Well,can you please tell me which thing you need in RL that i cant provide? contact me at yahoo ,my ID - Trickscollector or mail ,ill show you demo.
  7. Giga-Rapid

    Need good Rapidleech service?

    which new filehoster you prefer to have? and also i just increased the price to ¢ã2.5 ,it was ¢ã1.5 till few day ago,and i cant afford to hire a plugin fixer expert,because i hardly have profits providing in cheap price..and people mostly download from uploaded, , rapidleech team fixes them...
  8. Giga-Rapid

    Need good Rapidleech service?

    My rapidleech server gets upto 150Mbps upload speed with turbobit i tested.I will provide you best and cheapest rapidleech at only €2.5/mo,15Gb space,1Gbps port . Pm me for more offers.
  9. Giga-Rapid

    Best Rapidleech !

    Someone kindly test my rapidleech service only ¢ã2.5/mo,15Gb space,1Gbps port,i have premiums,but there is no option to save your premiums,but you can use your own premium as that function comes with original rl script,so,you are completely safe from accounts theft. trust me.Pm me for more...
  10. Giga-Rapid

    Need Review ( Rapidleech ) - Urgent

    Try my rapidleech, best and cheapest rapidleech at only €2.5/mo,15Gb space,1Gbps port and more inside. Pm me for more offers.
  11. Giga-Rapid

    Which is the best rapidleech?

    you should try my rapidleech,I will provide you best and cheapest rapidleech at only €2.5/mo,15Gb space,1Gbps port . Pm me for more offers and infos and features.
  12. Giga-Rapid

    Other Looking for Rapidleech Hosting (1gbps w/ fast rar/unrar)

    selling I will provide you best and cheapest rapidleech at only ¢ã2.5/mo,15Gb space,1Gbps port . Pm me for more offers.
  13. Giga-Rapid

    Selling 5000 quality traffic Only for $5

    Just add a .com after my profile name .thanks
  14. Giga-Rapid

    [buying] Buying Adult Adspot for Japan Location!!

    Hello,i can put up your ads on my website,i have good asian traffic,ex- IN,Japan etc ,i have us traffic also,a good amount of my website's users are porn addicted,so i think my site will be good, contact me if you are interested.
  15. Giga-Rapid

    Other RDP based in Netherlands

    you can also try Giga-RDP ,it has GOOD NL Plans.
  16. Giga-Rapid

    Buying Promote my forum

    Please check your pm!
  17. Giga-Rapid

    Where can I promote my 468 x 60 banner? (Which file sharing forum)

    Hello, i can place your ad on my site,I am sure my website will give you related traffic,because niches of your and my site are related.Pm me for price details.
  18. Giga-Rapid

    Selling 5000 quality traffic Only for $5

    Hello, I have a site with 2500 pageviews and 1000 unique visitor daily,I can send you 5000 Real genuine visitor to your website only for $5 , Pm me for details. Please note,I will never send you fake,bot or script generated traffic,your links will be setup with tracker where you can...