Search results

  1. Giga-Rapid

    [hiring] TCL script encoding

    this Guy Scammed Me .
  2. Giga-Rapid

    Hiring Coder for Full Seedbox based Site

    Pm me details too
  3. Giga-Rapid

    Hiring Developer/ Coder For An Auto Leecher Application

    Skype Request Sent, when you are online send me more details,ill check later
  4. Giga-Rapid

    Buying help on real debird

    @modyeltohamy4 Giga-Rapid accepts payza payment.Just make a ticket asking for details.
  5. Giga-Rapid

    looking for ipb coder

    Are you still looking for someone?
  6. Giga-Rapid

    Portuguese rapidleech porcess bar Problem!!

    Did you turned on output buffering in php.ini file?
  7. Giga-Rapid

    Other i want to buy rapidleech

    You can try Rapidleech
  8. Giga-Rapid

    Hiring someone who have experience work with wordpress

    OPS sorry,did not really noticed it.
  9. Giga-Rapid

    Hiring someone who have experience work with wordpress

    Well, You need A Work Done,NOT me ,So you should pm me with the Details of the Work, I have Nothing to say in PM, If you need any coding Work related WP, just PM Me.
  10. Giga-Rapid

    Hiring someone who have experience work with wordpress

    PM Me with budget.thanx
  11. Giga-Rapid

    get direct link and embed mp4 from (would pay)

    PM me with Details.i can do it most likely.
  12. Giga-Rapid

    [hiring] TCL script encoding

    PM ME with details and budget.
  13. Giga-Rapid —From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

    Hello, Seedbox is in Stock and Setup is Instant , So Far There is no Problem with The Auto-Setup ,and its Running Fine.
  14. Giga-Rapid —From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

    Hi,yes we have plan to open this plan later but with reduced feature and support . Checkback after a month.thank you.
  15. Giga-Rapid

    Other Leechbox or rapidleech + cpanel

    You may Try Shopping Cart - Rapidleech this Rapidleech.
  16. Giga-Rapid

    coding script for dedicated servers

    Whats the work actuall?budget?
  17. Giga-Rapid | 60$ /10k + $100 bonus

    you still remember?im the guy you are currently ignoring via email,this guy offered me a work of plugin development of $$$ then after some day he response via email.Again guys stay alert when dealing with this guy.
  18. Giga-Rapid | 60$ /10k + $100 bonus

    BEWARE of this guy,you may get careful.