Search results

  1. C

    .R.I.P. :(

    lols, i guess you grew up in the era of torrents and not IRC?
  2. C

    Dedicated Looking for Storage Server walkerservers are hetzner resellers with btc payment option. theyre guidelines follow the same as hetzner. $10 more for the same product but u gain more security(with payment) and the software if needed.
  3. C

    PayKickStart Millionaire Club

    sorry, im done with ur 2 spammy accounts. turning off notifications for here. good luck
  4. C

    PayKickStart Millionaire Club

    you still spamming ur own thread? sorry, been busy making millions, havent had time to reply to pheasants until now. so what do you need?
  5. C - Buy Private Rdp / SSD Rdp / Encoding Rdp / Admin Rdp From €3.99 Only

    have u got any mass storage RDP's/servers coming in at all?
  6. C

    Lookig For RDP

    or right here:
  7. C

    Selling Self Hosted Movie Streaming site for sale

    503 error on website. also u need to create a wjunction.txt file for proof of ownership. and another thing, $500 isnt unreasonable for premade sites with no traffic, but more detail is needed... 1. is auto-embed or manual embed enabled? 2. how much is the server & how long has already ben paid...
  8. C

    Selling Ad Spot

    at the moment with ur traffic u'd be looking at $5 a month. lets say 10 people a day click it, now they have to convert that 2 to stay on their site to make money. but unless you can show u making $50 a month urself on ur adnetwork from this traffic, its a no go for anyone.
  9. C

    Lookig For RDP

    how long do u need one for?
  10. C

    StreamZ Don't respect deleted videos

    you literally spam that on every single post that u can and act that ur not affiliated/own them. Just make a post, put it in ur signature, and then then u can stop with ur constant BS. Now back to what the OP was talking about... i think streamz does shave views, but i have had 0 issues with...
  11. C

    streaming hosts ordered by alexa rank

    they cost for removal of ads. ninja stream & streamz have no ads(1popup) for free, or even used fembed
  12. C

    Iframe script? multiple embeds in a iframe

    why is it obfuscated?
  13. C

    Iframe script? multiple embeds in a iframe

    im not a noob and i dont have any obfuscation tools(wont pay for any online ones), so putting in ur code is just shitty. good job to @lucius100 for calling you out on your shittyness @fr0zen. shame on you
  14. C

    Hello to all

    so are u real or just an internet dream?
  15. C

    1fichier scammer

    how many times have u been deactivated?!
  16. C


    1. too many sliders - should only have 1 not 3 and extras 2. needs to change to 2021(bottom right) 3. our promise: whats "extra?" now lets jump to the english(presuming he is not native english speaker)... firslty hard to capture/read with all the damn sliders and changers, but: 1. We have been...
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    there are so many on github, he's just added into it to make it better
  18. C

    Embed Player For Wordpress Or Something

    there are more ads in the videos than there are people on earth. the api is completely free because of the ads. i would definitely recommend not using it, but heres the offical link:
  19. C

    Embed Player For Wordpress Or Something

    that site is just using embed spider. dont touch it