Search results

  1. L

    Why my website has many duplicate sites? Same database.

    Yeah, videos played... Just Search same keyword .. Seem they got popular than my site :laughing:
  2. L

    Why my website has many duplicate sites? Same database.

    even mine too, same copy just got to know the duplicate sites when I used netu embed videos. SO fast when I post the dupli site too has..
  3. L

    NinjaStream - Discussion Thread.

    Thank @NinjaStream for the fast payment.. :ok_hand: And Pliz make no more downtime!!!
  4. L

    Selling themaPoster - multi-poster, reply / create threads, schedule, lots of automation...

    Do I need both to start automatic posting: thema creator to create and to post thema poster
  5. L

    NinjaStream - Discussion Thread.

    Working Now.. Site is UP.. had me worried!!! can't replaced videos again
  6. L

    [Req] Good Host for Porn Uploading

    NinjaStream (Doesn't remove inactivity file), Streamtape StreamSB, DoodStream (For Non Deletion for inactivity files, payment per month $8/$9) Mixdrop
  7. L

    What Is JAV.GURU Using as Their Server Button

    Is it possible to do it bulk? And write the result to txt file (the stream hoster embed url) Say link2 is already known and kept in txt file (BULK) Take the input from txt file, and base64 decode, reverse, then link3 - embed link output $link2 = base64_encode $link2 $a2 = Invoke-RestMethod...
  8. L

    Where Can I get script/PHP code like

    If anyone has knowledge , kindly please share.
  9. L

    How is serving button for embed video?

    Wow.. U really make it Simple to Understand.. Thank you
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    How is serving button for embed video?

    love the idea. Any idea, where to get custom plugin or ?
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    Helo, Please add Stream Porn
  12. L

    What Is JAV.GURU Using as Their Server Button

    Might be some1 is selling plugin/script , as I have found some other sites too using the same process. I have asked the Admin too , No reply:laughing:
  13. L

    WolfStream.TV IS BACK - Video Service Official Support | Up To $50 Per 10k Views!

    Your Ip Blocked, Try again later. Clipwatching and Aparat Team got this.. when I download 1/2 videos.
  14. L

    Buying Animation Scrapper plugin / Script

    Check .. i think i have seen.. some posts regarding the matter
  15. L

    So you lost all your videos with Gounlimited? If you used Streamdefence you are safe

    Tested the plugin.. No backup is taken for Mixdrop.. And Ads added doesn't shows as it shows 0 views in ads manager site...
  16. L

    Does anyone know what Plugin/Script is used for embedding different video host []

    [] Upon Checking View Source Video iframe link original source is hidden.. [so that DMCA ppl might have difficult time to get the link (Waste their time in getting the link :sweat_smile: ) ] I want that kind of Player or Embed iframe Manager.. Anyone know where/how to get/buy it?
  17. L


    Link: Simple Adult Site!! Just For Time Pass.. and Regarding domain .xyz (No comment:laughing:) Any suggestions?
  18. L - Porn Hosting - Streaming adult videos up to 1080p

    Hello @Firecooler, Upload Speed SLOW!!.. Daily Uploader... Please CHECK...