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  1. J

    EliteDDL - Rate It

    Ahh, I see. Thanks for clarifying.
  2. J

    EliteDDL - Rate It

    I can't access it either. If it isn't fixed, this thread should be closed Saurav.
  3. J

    My new site cum blog warez-freak

    Sorry, but I can hardly understand anything that's going on. Very unorganized and yes, too many ads. Also, it would do you good to reduce the font size of that latest post and maybe put the names of the e-books and link them instead of just using the RS links?
  4. J

    WarezTech - Never Seen Before Skin

    Nice, I love the theme ;) The logo is good too! 8/10
  5. J

    Brand New, Unique for the most part.

    Wow, I like it too. What Jet said, very simple and organized. 8/10!