Search results

  1. D

    Looking For Staff For My Forum !

    I can help as S-Mod. I have experience with vB,IPB,phpBB,Free Forums. I have experience as Site Owner/Admin and I own my new site. Have been s-mod on lots of warez sites and Im GFX Crew at warezconnect. Im active everyday, I speak proper english and i'm always glad to help. If you don't want me...
  2. D

    Plz review my mp3 site..

    Real page bro. Now it looks incredibly unprofessional
  3. D

    Need a Custom IPB Skin. Paying 20$

    Close thread please. Found a designer who doeas it for 30$. It looks wicked, ty all tho.
  4. D

    Need a Custom IPB Skin. Paying 20$

    Hey everyone, I need a designer that can make a good looking IPB skin for my website We pay 20$ for the Skin and if it's seriously looking perfect for our site then we gonna make it 25$. I don't specify anything, just check out the site and choose something that fits the...
  5. D

    Best FTP & backup script to use??

    Filezilla > All the rest
  6. D

    [WTS] Warez Forum with more than 50000 posts

    The whole thread was cleaned by Elio to start the bidding over.
  7. D

    Zone360 Review

    Site is dead...?
  8. D

    how to create forums

    For creating forums you can use the official vB Manual :P
  9. D

    Searching For A GFXer? Check This!

    First satisfied customer: kholu from enjoy your design and pm me when you need support anytime :D
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    Searching For A GFXer? Check This!

    Alright thanks for the tips. I will work on these points.
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    Searching For A GFXer? Check This!

    Hey everyone! Im searching for a site where I can do GFX work and earn some money. I don't need to earn lots at all just a little bit if possible. Im GFXíng at 3 sites at the moment: (Transporter,Chainer) (CyberSnake) BlazinRoms(Golden Falcon,Lord...
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    GFX Staff Searched For My New GFX Site

    Edit! Added some of my latest works.
  13. D

    Need a graphics Member? Get Me

    Hey bro, what about coming GFXing at my site .cc ?(domain changed within a week)
  14. D

    GFX Staff Searched For My New GFX Site

    Please read the thread . It clearly says it is paid for admin and s-mod when we start earning. So if working hard you may get promoted and start gettin paid.
  15. D

    Looking for a GFX team member ?? Get Me

    Gfx-xtreme. Co. Cc you can be graphics team,sotw/rotw mod or competitions mod
  16. D

    GFX Staff Searched For My New GFX Site

    Thanks for making my point. I hope some real good GFXer is gonna apply soon ^_^
  17. D

    GFX Staff Searched For My New GFX Site

    My GFX is sht? Wtf you talking? It's about my forums and not any of my GFX works. Please stop with that. Also If you read you can see I'm gonna change the domain within 2 weeks. This is a serious thread. I'm seriously looking for staff and I don't need flamers
  18. D

    GFX Staff Searched For My New GFX Site

    Hey everyone, I recently started my own GFX forums and all the basics are done now. [Name + Slogan] = GFX Xtreme - GFX On The Highest Level! [Website URL] = http://gfx-xtreme .co .cc (Changed to .com or .net within 2 weeks so I request you friendly to don't complain about it please.) I am...