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  1. N - 50% Sale + 50 % Rebill Awesome payout methods

    We're sorry, there are no servers available for upload at the moment! We are almost complete with our setup. Servers will be ready soon! how soon??? my hand so itchy for uploading files to new server :p
  2. N - 50% Sale + 50 % Rebill Awesome payout methods

    at the moment you cannot upload/remote/ftp to ULOAD.TO no uploading server available for now, they upgrading new server and now it on re-config server progress.... maybe today around 10.30 or 11.00 PM (HK time zone) they will finish and all function will goes normally....
  3. N - 50% PPS+ Rebill PPD Upto $60 per 1000 downloads (Scammers)

    thanks.... then uploading now to shareupload.... hope we got a great partnership....
  4. N - 50% PPS+ Rebill PPD Upto $60 per 1000 downloads (Scammers)

    hello, just want to make sure, for affiliate, do you pay to paypal? cause i read from late post your paypal is limited. thanks in advance,