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  1. G

    Tea Vs. Coffee

    Real coffee. Certainly none of that instance stuff. And don't get me started with Nescafe!
  2. G

    IP hidding problem..

    The only alternative I can think of is for you to get a VPS and proxy all connections out of there. However, this just makes all your connections come from your VPS's IP address instead of your home one, which might not be what you're after.
  3. G

    Ubuntu 11.04 Problem

    Is this a new issue with 11.04 for you? It might be worth trying 10.10 as there are potential battery issues with 11.04 (which could be causing the temperature raise because of higher resource usage). There's an interesting experiment done at Tom's hardware -...
  4. G

    ksplice what is it

    I don't see why ksplice can't be used for a VPS as well, as long as you have control over what kernel is being booted (e.g. on a real Xen setup). I'd be happy to be proved wrong though.
  5. G


    Hello all - first day here. I run GigaTux and intend on participating in hosting discussions. It feels weird being on probation though, but I'll wait my time :)