Recent content by komitolita

  1. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    But if you have comments at the beginning complaining, what happens is that I don't want to embarrass you, by the way, no insults are used.
  2. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    You are bipolar? I mean you are telling me that if I am not happy I should leave, that it works fine for you and now? There my friend remember that I am not a bot or anything like that when I warned I was one of the first, when the water reaches the neck of the neighbor you go out saying that...
  3. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    let's see how the game of the hosts and the "happy users" works, I haven't been in this for 2 years, I know who owns this and how it plays but let's see there's a problem here and it's clear, aggressive advertising never seen before, that you don't care, what a shame your video visitors, the...
  4. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    Let's stop talking about rates, what's happening with advertising? Are you going to solve the problem or do we have to think that your thread is for the 2 or 3 who thank you all the time for your existence? I find it very unprofessional that since last Sunday they tell you about the problems and...
  5. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    drop after drop, you can have more videos and more pages and you earn less, incredible, I guess before Saturday if it is not solved I will stop using it, it is not normal since there is so much advertising and continue with the drop in earnings
  6. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    When you think the weekend has gone bad, Monday comes and has fewer views than with upstream (upstream no longer exists) bigwarp starts showing its face with the ads because this only tarnishes the name of your host, I don't care if you wolf, waching or another host, the previous ones had a...
  7. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    I don't know if you've pressed play on a brother video, but it's like finding a 500e bill All admins know when something goes wrong on their host, we are not new, we know when the ratio is reduced and when it is increased.
  8. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    falling from 500 views from level 1 to 50, the popups have not been fixed, I publish on several pages and everyone complains, impossible to see anything, day with the most views and you have fewer views than a Monday
  9. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    The domain is not blocked, the problem is that to press play you need to delete 7 windows and since you have the funny idea of advancing the video, then more and more windows, the problem is on your side, not mine.
  10. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    impossible to see anything with so much advertising from my side, this is not fixed, I suppose that is the problem of the drop in views by more than 70%
  11. K

    Premium Plus - HLS Streaming | API

    stay away from SB group sites(lion, wish, wise...)
  12. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    waaw hasn't paid for more than half a year
  13. K

    DropAPK.COM Discussion

    Do not use this host, it is upstream and it is a scam.
  14. K Discussion

    Do you have the adblock system broken? I've never seen so many adblocks in my life. I'm just giving you another chance and I hope this is a bug because no host has so many adblock counts. 1719845363 More than 80 adblock is unreal :pensive: contact me privately @aj_veev
  15. K

    Hello, I am looking for sites where I can publish pornographic content

    omg ramon21 at school you didn't have friends I guess, you have less empathy than chatgpt