Recent content by HipHorray

  1. HipHorray - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    I find leaving the window open works best.
  2. HipHorray - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    An autoplay option might work really well. Someone clicks the site and the first 15 to 30 seconds of the video plays before an ad is displayed. Then it shows the ad with a count down until the video starts again. Youtube works similar to that and people are used to it.
  3. HipHorray

    End of Skype - What is Alternative Suggestion?

    I'm hearing good things about ICQ and IRC
  4. HipHorray - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    Absolutely TRUE ! Too many ads and people leave. Not enough ads and you don't make money. It's a balancing act ! The other problem is that there are TONS OF STUPID PEOPLE and they are too dumb to figure out how to watch the video. When dealing with the public everything has to be made...
  5. HipHorray - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    What are you talking about? I can't make heads or tails out of anything you wrote.
  6. HipHorray - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    I get the following complaint a LOT !
  7. HipHorray

    Is Reddit an Effective Source to Bring Traffic to a Website?

    India is either going to fuck it up or fuck you over. Because 99% of any business you do with India will result in a disaster or having people steal from you.
  8. HipHorray

    Is Reddit an Effective Source to Bring Traffic to a Website?

    Buy cheap phones from the Good Will or a garage sale. The rest of the hardware should cost you less than $300. Use them to spam, data mine, upvote, etc... Get free vpns and use them to click on your affiliate links /ads.
  9. HipHorray

    Is Reddit an Effective Source to Bring Traffic to a Website?

    (-1.-) A time machine Or (-2.-) Build a phone farm then register 300+ profiles on all the social media platforms. Then upvote/like and comment on all your posts as if it was real. PS. It's 2025
  10. HipHorray

    Please help me find Social Media platforms for Francophones /Frenchmen

    I'm going to take a 2nd look at Vero. I was on it a while ago but gave up trying to 'use it for my own agenda' So, thanks for mentioning it because I had forgotten about it. But Viadeo has always been silent as a library and Taringa was more Argentina's communist networking tool than a...
  11. HipHorray

    Is Reddit an Effective Source to Bring Traffic to a Website?

    Reddit sucks but so does Fartbook, X, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, etc.. etc.. etc.. All social media is time consuming dumpster fire when compared to how much faster and more efficient the old print magazines of the 1990s and early 2000s...
  12. HipHorray

    Please help me find Social Media platforms for Francophones /Frenchmen

    Google is shit for results Bing is shit for results. DuckDuckGo is shit for results So now I'm directly asking for help from others. Here's my problem. Platforms like Fartbook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit etc.. etc... They're really lousy for engaging with francophones. It seems like the...
  13. HipHorray

    Looking for website hosting outside of USA

    I appreciate your concern but having a bitchy attitude and the ability to solve problems is what business is about.
  14. HipHorray

    Galaksion Ad Network is excited to be back!

    Questions : I'm interested in buying advertising. 1. Will you promote adult sites? 2. Do you accept crypto as payment? 3. How aggressive are your ads ? (( Too aggressive and my sites will have problems with angry people)) 4. How good are your ads (Ie: Will I get a ton of people from...
  15. HipHorray - Earn money sharing adult images - Real and amazing rates

    Gif with sound ? Gif with sound opens up more venues for me to spam.