Turbobit.net - Support, News & Announcements

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Turbobit down ??

Unable to Complete Request

You can go to the home page or try again.​
If you get this error message again, please, let us know about this.​
Copy time 2014-05-16 06:26:14 and this ID 5680 to your message.
It was temporary problem. It must be ok now.

work all ok. I got the money earned !!!
Thank you Turbobit
Have a nice day!

Added after 5 minutes:


We are pleased tointroduce our new promo banners , which you can use to attract referrals and increase your earnings!

You can view them, selectthe format needed and get the code dirrectly in your account on CostAction.com. Just log in and go to «Turbobit.net -> Referrals"at the down of the page you will find a link "Promo materials" (link)

For those who are notfamiliar with CostAction.com, recall that the authorization you needto use an existing username and password for your account on theTurbobit.net. Recommend to read more detail about this new interface- CostAction.com, in previous posts.

Our Referral system allowsyou to increase your earnings, creating your own partner network.Attracting new users, you will receive reward as a percent of theirprofits.
We pay:
20% of earnings of eachpartner you brought on board
5% of earnings of eachpartner brought on board by your partner

So you get the opportunityto increase revenues simply by placing a referral banner on yourwebsite, forum, blog or page in Social Networks.

Best regards,
Turbobit.net andHitfile.net team
Last edited:
Dear friends!

We arelooking for users for beta testing a new program foruploading files - Turbobit Uploader! Usingthis program you can oupload files to your accountdirrectly from your desktop inone click without using a browser or FTP-client!

Before Turbobit Uploaderwill be available for all users, we want to organize a closed beta.This will help identify hidden bugs and make any necessarymodifications based on your suggestions.

We invite everyone to tryTurbobit Uploader and get a bonus - premiumcode for 40 days!
Please send your requeststo participate in the testing through our ticket systemhttp://support.turbobit.net, in the section "Forbeta testing."

All details and furtherinstructions will be sent in response to your request in the ticketsystem.
Forward to your feedback!

Thank you for yoursupport,
Turbobit.net andHitfile.net team
*not allrequests can be taken
Dear friends!

We arelooking for users for beta testing a new program foruploading files - Turbobit Uploader! Usingthis program you can oupload files to your accountdirrectly from your desktop inone click without using a browser or FTP-client!

Before Turbobit Uploaderwill be available for all users, we want to organize a closed beta.This will help identify hidden bugs and make any necessarymodifications based on your suggestions.

We invite everyone to tryTurbobit Uploader and get a bonus - premiumcode for 40 days!
Please send your requeststo participate in the testing through our ticket systemhttp://support.turbobit.net, in the section "Forbeta testing."

All details and furtherinstructions will be sent in response to your request in the ticketsystem.
Forward to your feedback!

Thank you for yoursupport,
Turbobit.net andHitfile.net team
*not allrequests can be taken

Check your pm please.

Ticket: #RKP-639-67886
i hate your host's paying options
paypal (in progress for 8 days still no payment)
tell us the exact time of payment
paypal payments 2 times in a month but which day when .:facepalm:
[TABLE="class: ui-jqgrid-btable, width: 860"]
[TR="class: ui-widget-content jqgrow ui-row-ltr ui-state-highlight ui-state-hover, bgcolor: #F9DF78"]
[TD="align: center"]14 may[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]26.61[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]In Progress[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]---------------------[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]ALL[/TD]


now 24 may
when will you pay?
unbelievable its just 26dollars

ps;lickers dont say (turbobit always pay,dont worry bla bla )i know they pay
but when ,tell us the exact time

and please pay
Because of my Webmoney limit, I made a request, but I could not received money. Status became "refused" and I cannot make any request again.
I added my paypal account to the payout but I cannot make any request again as I said

So, How can I solve this problem?

Best regards.
11 days no payment
even some amateur sites pay me in minutes

videowood and qkup also pays me in 12 hours
but you are a big company and you earn lots of money with us
but payments take days and weeks
what a mess
Lol turbo like bitshare ? are you joking ?? bitshare pays after 3 months ...

Turbo pays 2 times every month at paypal and payza before the 15 and last day of the month ...

So where you get that idea ??
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