Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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I checked pornbb topics and i found only K2S and RG topics.

But you are saying that sales are very good in these forums.

I am really confused, Terafile.

I could not find Terafile links. Only K2S and RG.


Terafile, i know that Terafile is allowed in pbb :)

I mean Terafile links are very few in pbb in comparison to RG-K2S and that's why i was wondering if sales can be good with not many TF links.

Anyway, if there users who post Terafile links in pbb-ophilia and Planetsuzy and read this post, please let us know how sales are. Good or bad?

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Ar!yaN show your pps stats :) you are old uploader i can`t believe you use ppd :P

I use PPD , sales are not good at terafile right now.

I am very very old uploader , but not a good uploader :facepalm:

@ DejaVu

Not a big zero, I get sales but not that much , which force me to switch the PPD , I almost get 4$ daily from terafile, these chart showing that i was off from working in these last days. and when i back with 400 dls see the $ i get :p
Hi, today I renewed my premium account, but, unfortunately, I made a serious mistake. Instead of renewing my own account for 25 days, I incorrectly create new 25 days premium account. Could help me delete this new premium account and renew my current account? My account: nhocnho
Thank you and looking forward to your response
hello admin..i have changed my plan from ppd to pps ..after few minutes of plan changing i got a sale of $82.but it does not count in my total earning..please check there is definately some problem in stats

username :cboard2
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