- $7.00/1000 views + 10% referral earnings

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Hello everyone,

We will pay all pending PayPal requests this week using exchanger (also all other still pending requests will be processed).
Right now we are lowering PayPal min. to $1.00 (fee: 5%) and money will be send by currency exchanger so please let us know if you do not receive money few days after payout status change to Completed. The exchanger we are going to use is verified so there should not be any problems at all.
We are also working to improve our site loading speed.

With best regards, Support
Hello everyone,

We will pay all pending PayPal requests this week using exchanger (also all other still pending requests will be processed).
Right now we are lowering PayPal min. to $1.00 (fee: 5%) and money will be send by currency exchanger so please let us know if you do not receive money few days after payout status change to Completed. The exchanger we are going to use is verified so there should not be any problems at all.
We are also working to improve our site loading speed.

With best regards, Support

good work mate
ur imagehost is one of the few that pay and have good rates with Diversity of upload & payment methods
and what u say about improve ur site loading speed is good news because sometime the site become pain in the a** from the slowness
in some hours
Hi Img Master Support, i would like to ask how does the +10% referral earnings work.
Ive look into my referrals lets say they earned for total of $13.00, if i will get the 10% of it, i should earn $1.3 from it?
u now banned in big forums today and the reasons
ad-infested, ad covering continue button , and of course the slow of the site that kill any one patience

if u not make some change u will die like others who cannot get it
that without listen to the users and visitors no site can Survive
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u now banned in big forums today and the reasons
ad-infested, ad covering continue button , and of course the slow of the site that kill any one patience

if u not make some change u will die like others who cannot get it
that without listen to the users and visitors no site can Survive

i got payed today

but i hope imgmaster do something about those matters
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