Video True Tube - Up to $30 / 10,000 Views - Get the perfect stream!

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xlman: There will be no change to countries until performance is picked up by a country - You can help by moving them towards changing their opinion on Hong Kong and China for example.
Hello All, I am new in Job Like This, i am old uploader, please can anyone help me how to earning money with please explame me how to start earning som money!

please activate my acc: emigrant2013

Thank You ChaCHing My acc is activated ! :D

now please anybody Teach me to work!!

my skype: emigrant2013

i am new in this job, i am old uploader!
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EMIGRANT2013: If you have a video of up to 10 minutes in the right format and resolution it will be shown on the frontpage. You will however not make any from the views.

You will be upgraded.

moneymakerM: It states "October Promotion". It is November now and I just haven't messaged Admin to get it done. I am awaiting some graphics from them but they busy since I'm not first priority.

Added after 2 Hours 1:


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mp3wx: This thread wouldn't be the right place to ask that question :)

Added after 1 Day 1:

You'll have another 2 hours.
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Can anyone tell me where i can post VTT links ?:( sorry i am new in job like this, please tell me som sites where i can post vtt links.

my skype: dede.dede725
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vander86: Yes that is correct. Transfers are processed throughout Tuesday. Then you have 24 hours to press Payout on Wednesday before they pay on Thursday.

Added after 1 Day 7 Hours:

Hi all.

Please press transfer within the next 24 hours.


Added after 1 Day 2 Hours:


-Transfers are now closed.
-Please proceed to click Payout within the next 22 Hours.
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