uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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1 light year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year how can it be used to measure time? :heiligenschein:

Ask Scientists.
They are the one who always says like This planet is 5 million light year far from Earth, This Star is 200 light yea from Earth etc. :-=
I'd changed my email adress, but changes were not adopted in UCP.
My old email adress is not longer available, because all free accs were closed by owner. I could still use it if I pay $ 50. In uploaded UCP, there was a message "sent further informations to your old adress" - but i cant receive it!

I wrote it to support 3 times, and to sinem and till via message in here, asked for sending me those"further informations" to my new adress, no answer yet.

I hope support will soon take care of these problem, without an functioning email address the acc is pointless. :facepalm:

still waiting :-&
I received this message from uploaded.net today:

"Dear Affiliate Partner,

we spotted some irregularities within your account whilst checking your payout request.

Please explain how you are referring paying users to our platform. Also proofs like screenshots and links to your advertising site are required and highly appreciated.

Please respond within 7 Days, otherwise we may decline your payout request.
Once everything is deemed ok from our side, we will gladly expedite your payout request.

Please excuse the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation!



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Cyando AG
Sihleggstrasse 23
8832 Wollerau
I made my very first payment request from them on 6/28 & I'm still waiting. Got my fingers crossed. I hope they don't disappoint.
u will get ur money this month 15-18th ..... if u r lucky may b before 15th

Just Request today Hope i will get it too at 15-18th ... :)
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for those of you who are not in the SEPA countries but did used bank transfer here is the message.
so basically this means they are only leaving us with amazon vouchers which is total crap and WM which is also total crap for many people.

someone should tell them that when they take options off they should also add other options.

Dear customer,

We are sorry to inform you, that bank transfer is not available for all countries any longer.

thank you for your understanding.

best regards,

Support Department
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