uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Hello, for all of you, have happend to see on payment status "paid" and still didn't receive the money, after 2 business working days? Usually the money comes right after 2 or 1 day
Hello, for all of you, have happend to see on payment status "paid" and still didn't receive the money, after 2 business working days? Usually the money comes right after 2 or 1 day

needs some days its depend your bank not ul.to

i dont know date youre paid but too last friday and today are holiday bank not works
same here

they haven never need such long time to make payment before

I guess that is the reason, also a friend sent me some money and still didn't receive it..

Another thing is that I'm afraid that my card bank is blocked (I tried to place money on a bet site, but I misprinted my card password for 3 times). Maybe when you have a card bank blocked, you'll not be able to receive money too?!
Advertised uploaded accounts:329
valid Premium initial orders:42 =438.33 €


329 premium sold only 42 valid haha
That's pretty much the same as me. I have 1.32 sales for every 10 advertised accounts, you have 1.27.

Advertised accounts mean FREE ACCOUNTS, it doesn't means that 329 people buy premium accounts from your links and that only 42 were paid to you.

It means that for every free count you sold ~0.13 premium accounts, and that's a good ratio, every 100 free account you get ~13 sales, or in other words you have a ~13% sucess ratio.

You people bitch too much even when you don't understand your own numbers.

Maybe you don't get answer because no one understand what are you asking for!
He is talking about the Hybrid traffic you get once you upgrade to premium, and as far i understand it means that you can give free DIRECT DOWNLOADS no captcha, no waiting time, for your users, but only 15GB(dunno if it recharges daily since i have never used it), and i doubt that they pay for those direct download links, so it's only usable if you want to share a small file without being an ass to your users so they can download it free and fast.
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What's up with payments lately ? I never had to wait more than 15 days for receiving payment from ul.to. Man this is not good.. for the past 4 years i've seen too many filehosts go down ....and in my experience first sign is delay in payments and various excuses that follows. My balance is piling up and I cannot request another payment until the first one is cleared. Ul.to should start making changes quickly orelse its affiliates with start losing interest in this service and will move to other services.
one of my folder name disappeared in file manager, but the content of folder exist on server, i can even search the name of the files and find them, but i cant see the folder at all. anyone ever had the same problem?
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