I requested payout on 3/4 through Amazon.com. When should I expect to see payment?
Advertised uploaded accounts:329
valid Premium initial orders:42 =438.33 €
329 premium sold only 42 valid haha
hame heasince 06 -03, I do not yet received my payment!
this what the problem UL?
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your inquiry!
Your pay-out request has been completed and the amount will be paid after 30 days.
Sincerely yours
Support Department
Hello, for all of you, have happend to see on payment status "paid" and still didn't receive the money, after 2 business working days? Usually the money comes right after 2 or 1 day
hame hea
08-03 request created
sitll not paid
support team reply :P
The same as yesterday. :-)what is 5Gb hybrid traffic?
same here
they haven never need such long time to make payment before
I will ask every day until someone tell me.The same as yesterday. :-)
Advertised uploaded accounts:329
valid Premium initial orders:42 =438.33 €
329 premium sold only 42 valid haha
That's pretty much the same as me. I have 1.32 sales for every 10 advertised accounts, you have 1.27.
He is talking about the Hybrid traffic you get once you upgrade to premium, and as far i understand it means that you can give free DIRECT DOWNLOADS no captcha, no waiting time, for your users, but only 15GB(dunno if it recharges daily since i have never used it), and i doubt that they pay for those direct download links, so it's only usable if you want to share a small file without being an ass to your users so they can download it free and fast.Maybe you don't get answer because no one understand what are you asking for!
Advertised uploaded accounts:329
valid Premium initial orders:42 =438.33 €
329 premium sold only 42 valid haha
That's pretty much the same as me. I have 1.32 sales for every 10 advertised accounts, you have 1.27.