uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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"Support" is just going to ignore questions or assure you everything is fine and proceed to tell you their responses were slow because of a sudden vacation.

My friend's account was hacked, and all information was changed. UL told him it was his responsibility, not theirs. He lost his account because of laziness and shotty security.

WTF, proof of not getting sales give us a proof body, hard work not mean sales, sometimes, a post of 2 mb file can bring you 6 sales or so, it's 50% chance, + other 50% it's equaled to other factors of getting sales, there is days, that i don't post any stuff, i get even sales more than the day i post.

So what TF, you think if you post 10 posts, you think that ul.to will give you 10 sales, if you post 100 posts, ul will give you 100 euro ??? STOP this and work and be quite.
you are just a loser who don't know what it takes to get sales, at least you don't have confidence what will make you sales..

so you have nothing to complain.

you are happy with your few euros.

for us, we are totally different from you....

how did you found out everything about me? o_o
you can look in the future too?
i am impressed Charles
In my opinion there's way too much complaining going on, if you don't like uploaded simply move to another filehost, there are many to choose from. I think uploaded should make it easier for people to buy premium, maybe add webmoney as an option, it may help with sales, but all this complaining isn't going to help anything at all.
today , 2 sales !!! after complaining for 14 days i got 3 sales till now

i think counter works fine , sales r really a luck !

but u really get disappointed when u work hard for a long time and no revenue
Like any of you i wish buying a Premium Account was easier, but with the current payments procesors that's never going to happen, this is bad for everyone, downloaders can't get the premium account they want, uploaders doesn't get the sales they should, and uploaded.net gets less earning due downloaders not being unable to buy premium and uploaders that stop working with them due lack of sales.

I will keep working with them because i'm using my own url redirector to track clicks and stats from countries, best time for posting etc, so the PPD gives me a decent ammount daily, but yeah i would love that their PPS system worked, i would earn 3-5 times more and they would also earn more, but what we can do? nothing, if they don't have a better payment processor is for a reason, i doubt that they are happy with no getting sales.

Pic related 17 days with no sales.


EDIT: Or maybe everyone is using the phone payments that doesn't give shit to the uploader and uploaded.net keeps everything for them, since it must be easy to use, like a simple SMS.

what happen to my account ???
i have 12000 points with 60EURO inside
but just now i find my account 36 week premium
and my blance empty ??
what is this please ul admin help me

You probably got hacked and the hacker exchanged everything in runtime.... :/

I just tried using amazon.com payout as well and it says currently not available. Can we get an explanation on this please?

We only offer a limited amount of vouchers, after we payout a bulk you'll be able to request.


Free user can download file over 1GB or Ul.to count with premium download ??? :O


Test with free user i can't download this file if i don't upgrade premium account

So,Ul count Premium Download :fly::fly:

//Sorry for my English

1GB + files are limited to premium users, yes we count premium user too.

Figured I'd chime in here; I've been trying to buy an Uploaded.net premium account for the last 1 hour and I cannot. I tried to buy it once and it declined my card so I thought it was a temp issue.

I then tried it again (had to use a second phone number because it would not let me use the first one again despite a declined transaction) with a virtual debit card that has no AVS protection on it. Card declined, again.

Tried it the third time with my backup card, declined again.

No sales? Maybe their payment system doesn't work 90% of the time.

Thank you for this details i forwarded it to our development team so they take a look into this matter.

I requested my first payment using webmoney from them about 5 weeks ago, and I've had the payment status as 'geprüft' for close to 3 weeks now, and I can't even request another payment while this one is being 'processed'. Can't say that I'm very impressed with the whole thing to be honest, especially compared to other hosts who pay weekly without any problems at all (like rapidgator).

we don't have any open wme requests before 1. February, could you tell me your account id so i can take a look into this.

"Support" is just going to ignore questions or assure you everything is fine and proceed to tell you their responses were slow because of a sudden vacation.

My friend's account was hacked, and all information was changed. UL told him it was his responsibility, not theirs. He lost his account because of laziness and shotty security.

Did the ticket support told him this? Could your friend register here and contact me, i'll take a look into this matter.

hello sir , my account id-5658553 , i requested 2 payouts first 200 euro 15-02-2013 & second 118 euro 16-02-2013 but both
payment request are decline .please tell me what is the cause of decline of this payment request. thank you

hello sir again my uploaded.net registered account hacked , please stop payment Account-ID: 5658553 & cancel payment request .. thank you.[/FONT]
Download speed is so slow... Upload speed throuth ftp or webupload are great.. But download is so slow.. DOwnload from other host is good, i just have problem with uploaded.
Question: If one user register through my link and after buy premium will the premium count as my sale?I get over 10 referrals every day but only 2-3 sales.Need an answer from someone that know that for sure.

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