OTE Stephen
Active Member
no payment for webmoney request day 31 ?
According to our support team you had previously requested a payout for the month, so you would not receive another payout till the next cycle which is the first of March.
oh god, now i know why i not get good sales.
Guys we have checked our system more then 3 times and found nothing wrong. Please do not get things wrong just because some of you are not making sales as i always said if there is any issue with sales we will fix it but you guys need to trust us also that there is no issue users are still making allot of sales. Well we are going to check the system tonight again and i promise if there is any issue what you guys said will be fix tonight for sure.
Is porn allowed?
Yes it is if it is legal porn, and you have the permissions to share it.
Hi Stephen, This is giving the error and It isn't giving the direct link.can not connect.
Ok we will fix it tonight
Guys, This error going on because zoom uploader. don't upload with zoom. use FTP.
@Stephen, this is very big bug. I hope you will fix as soon as possible.
@Sky_Walker No its not Zoomuploader issue we know what this issue is and as said we will fix it tonight.
they are offline in skype for few days
Sorry guys I had a family emergency and had to go out of town last minute. In the rush to go I accidentally forgot my laptop here. Today has been the first day I have actually been able to get on the computer.
If the guest register via my file link, he'll be my referral? I thought that they must register via my AFFILIATE LINK to be my referral?
It counts for both different links.
IMPORTANT!!! I think they are got problem with sales count!!!
coz all my file setting for premium only, to much for refferal without no one count sales!!!! (i hate this)
because for ryushare and sett for all my file premium only, i got sales. but from oteupload i dont have anything sales. (i got only refferal)
your service it's good (very good)
-speed upload
-speed download
-nice design
-fast respon
-for affiliate (problem with sales count)
Please fix this problem....
please check my pm and answered
Working a few bugs out to increase the number of sales users get, I have forwarded your message about getting the sales fixed to our support team will see what they have to say.
I can't access to FTP upload page. please tell me know where FTP upload ? I tried ftp.oteupload.com but it doesn't working.
I can't sort filenames from A-Z, 1-9 ??
FTP is for premium users only, this might be the problem that you are experiencing. You will be able to sort file-names after tomorrow
What is the file life? how long files stay before being deleted from inactivity?

try eu.ftp.oteupload.com or us.ftp.oteupload.com
it's forever for premium user.
Premium users only are able to use FTP Upload.
nguienu, web design back to old Skin till they fix new version
Temporarily, it has all the features everyone needs aside from the sorting option.
please add "Downloads" column in Reports. it help us to manager downloads easily
We will have this soon we dont track downloads right now so that is the reason it is not activated.
When I copy somes my files to another folder, I am giving File not found error. Probably can be a bug. Please fix...
When you copy a file to a folder it does work, just click back and it will be in the folder you wanted it to be in. The bug is that it sends you to a different link and that is one of the things we are working to fix.
cannot move files and can show the storage space?
You are able to move the files, see above.
they will release new version in 24 hr, wait.
Im unsure of the ETA on the update as said before I have not been in the office since last Thursday. I believe we are having a meeting later today to discuss this.
guys, ftp working? not working to me.
FTP should all be up and working for everyone, if you experience this and do not see me online please send a Email to Support@OTEUpload.com. Thanks.
still have problems with sales anyone?
Problems with sales should be fixed shortly.
can show the download static and fix the move file error?
As you read above these issues should be fixed soon. Thanks.
today I lost 30 nonshared files as NON ACTIVITY ???? , dont you tell us there is no activity protection ???
or you says you got abuse emails, ITS IMPOSSIBLE cause I did not share them yet
rooneyviet1, everyone has same problem, we will wait they have to fix or I will leave
There was a miss-type in our coding and some files were deleted prematurely. I am sorry for this please just re-upload them to your account. Upgrades to our sales tracking are coming soon.
i think they have problem with sales count
every day i have got new refferal but without any sales (it's impossible) because my file setting for premium only.....
resolve or leave this host
See what I said about this above.
ananisikim hmm i start to move my files from other hosting to ote because they offer forever storage(even without downloads) but now i`m not sure.. let`s see what answer will give @ote
We do offer unlimited file storage for files. We do recommend though that you go thru and check your files at least once ever 90 days as sometimes small bugs arise and can end up with loss of storage. We are working diligently to get rid of these errors tho.
how time you complete your new script ??
A majority of it is currently live. We do plan in the future to move completely away from XFS.
how can you set premium only?
Please send a PM and it can be arranged through our support team.
FTP EU doesn't working
All FTPs should be up and running currently.
My account - Configuration - Limit Download file size
You can not only premium. minimum size 400MB.
Minimum setting is 400MB however you are able to set it this low. which is a good thing.
i'm premium and can't set file size limit, it says error "password not match"
and support should come here everyday to answer.
You should be able to save it I just tested it to be sure that it is working and set the limit to 400 MB if you are still having issues please send an email to support@OTEUpload.com and they can help you further.
Also about the support. If you read above I unfortunately had to make a quick leave of absence and go out of town for a family emergency. If there is anything more that you need help with feel free to write it here. Thanks.
I will start via your site after you fixed File manager, count sales/down, paygate, asap..etc. thanks
File Manager is working perfectly. We are working to add a few of the requested features but other than that everything is working great!
Sales are counted it just really depends if the user is using JDownloader, if they are the credit goes to the JDownloader team rather than the content provider.
Paygates, there are no issues if you are experiencing some type of issue please let us know and we can fix it.
Im not sure what the other problems that you are talking about are. Thanks.
@OTE Stephen,
Can you give us an update regarding the Sales problem issue?
I am discussing with our support team right now. And as they said it will be solved tonight. If there is any issue with sales.