Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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ya just saw your post few pages back try removing the file name coz filenames must not have spaces and special characters to work so simply name them with _ only for spaced or remove the filename take only the code afetr ryushare.com
you have problem with that link dear see ryushare links doesn't start with free anything this is direct link that was generated for a download ryushare link looks like that http://ryushare.com/h1wa1llt/ that link is modified get into my files section click on one of your file and you will see it's link up in the adders bar dear
No way for 20GB per day. U will just ruin ryushare for that. If this start, everyone will leave, so do I and my follower. We all download 100GB of porn per day. Syop this nonsense ideal. Each uploader post 30 over porn per day.
No way for 20GB per day. U will just ruin ryushare for that. If this start, everyone will leave, so do I and my follower. We all download 100GB of porn per day. Syop this nonsense ideal. Each uploader post 30 over porn per day.
You watch porn 24hours a day? Or simply copy material from other uploaders? 20Gb per day is more than enough for 99% of downloaders.
^ Again another unreasonable person again. 20GB is not even enough for a legitmate downloader to download in a day. Data gets bigger now (HD videos/bluray sizes of games/etc) and Hard drives are cheaper now. This is not the 90's decade where everything is still on DVDs and size is a problem for most people.

I can reach 20GB easily even on my shitty 6Mbps speed. Not everyone has a crappy internet speed like those who live in 3rd world countries and even those countries are improving on their infrastuctures to provide better and faster speeds. Even Rapidshare has 50Gb/day for public traffic to leech and that is at least the minimum bandwidth per day filehost should adhere to. No one wants the filehost to be a douche like Rapidgator or Oron or some crappy host with less than 30Gb per day.
Actually i live in a kind of 3 world country and have a pretty decent bandwidth...hell, some of my torrent "friends" even got themselfs banned on some top trackers cause moron admins from 1 world countries could not believe the fact that he can do 12 Mbps upload without owning a seedbox.
But anyway tofuwizard is kind of right, there should be a vigilante policy against leech services like fileserve had not user limits..I guess the admins are just lazy and prefer to put on limits for everybody.
admin didn't say anything about limiting download volume.Some users are requesting for that which will be an obnoxious approach.minimum 50gb required like extabit and extabit sales were like magical.
Sometimes a single 1080p movies comes with 20gb+ filesize.So,the thing atm is perfect.Please don't think rubbish
Imagine it , you will pay 12$ each month for 20-30 gb each day, who pay for it for warez ? Cause you can found any file in google
in other hosts. Porn movies or JAV or rare movies can force people to buy more account, but warez, games, or common movies. ha ha ha, nobody buy 2nd or 3rd account. for example I did not extend my extabit rapidgator and filemates account , thanks god they were 1 month accounts. I do not need them, I can find whatever I want using google from other hosts.
All you guys forgot serials and animations. One seaon of high-bitrate BDRip is usually more than 50GB. Simply downloading 2 ~ 3 of them can exceed 100GB easily.
not actually true mr XxPoxX theier official statement is first pay is 15-20 days wait yet me and all my friends got first pay after 15 days also regular pay is from 10-15 yet all my payments for months now have been full 15 days wait in normal days

@ps2gameman yes they still pay by paypal and there is no bankwire in ryushare
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