today* 0,02 €
what is this nonsense.
better to count downloads
I have the same situation today, download more than 200 files = €0,30
Yesterday there were less download of files, the result was better than €5.0
today* 0,02 €
what is this nonsense.
better to count downloads
Of course it crossed the usual amount of days as expected. It's the holidays right now and once again work activities are at a minimal in offices. This is the time of the year where majority of the western world are on leave from offices and goes into holiday mood till the New year.we all know about 30 business days .... but Max affiliates always got payment in 15-18 days with webmoney & Bank transfer may b little bit longer, This Month 18 days crossed thats why affiliates are asking payout. Not to worry they will pay.
for those who requested payout via international transfer... how much time did it take for the money to appear in your bank account and how much fee do they charge?
You can't.
is there any way to add my own site to UL ?????
i want to buy one month account.. is not there payza or payoneer method???????
The next 2 days is weekend and then is new year.I think payment for 6 Dec will be paid at 6 January, won't it?