Turbobit Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Turbobit here.

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There is a news in their site, It seems they are going stop pay per download system or going to lower the rate (which already isn't great), if that's the case then they aren't my favorite anymore.
from what i can understand they say they stopped PPD for new affiliates due to data center and payment company demand which is true PPD is now forbidden by leasweb and other company and most [payment companies do't accept hosts with PPD now
what is the difference between:

Current rate plan: All Inclusive (Pay Per Download)
Rate plan from the next day: All Inclusive (Pay Per Download) ?

where you can earn more for downloads?
I can see that I can choose "Paypal" in "Payment details"... so Paypal works again with turbobit or it is a dream XD ?
Any body else getting this error on their account?

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Just to be clear, Turbobit doesn't make payouts with Paypal, just with WM and Payza, right?
I see the Paypal option but maybe it takes so long that it's useless to request.
My paypal payout is refused? i don't know, now I change to webmoney, but Turbobit show me I can request for payoff after 23th september, I think they pay fast webmoney. @Kof_p, paypal payment is useless, try webmoney.
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