uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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And if the user are the victim the fraudes in CC?
im asuming you mean people using cracked/stolen CC to get accounts for downloading your content

thing is on one hand how could up.to possibly know who the defrauder is (lucky if they don't just close your account)
and on the other hand if they have to give that $ back why should they pay you as-well ?

if you ARE using cracked CC accounts to gen fake sales you may want to drop this
all they need to do is look at the downloads from the accounts your making and they will know you are trying to defraud them

hmmm guess I kinda contradicted myself there
Uploading 2 files with the same size. The first one uploaded at 12 MB/s. The second one at 400 KB/s and it took 43 minutes... :facepalm:

I give up on uploaded.net.
ok, looks like credit card payment is back, and they reduced the speed for free/registered users from 200/300 kb/s to 50/100 again.
also no more downloads for free/registered free users in the first quarter of each hour
something went scruy with my FTP upload
first I tried just dragging a folder full of files into FTP but seems your system doesn't support making new folders in FTP
so I dropped in just the files and left it running for about 14 hours
but now im seeing most of the uploaded files have all been given the 2 folder names that I get them sitting in on my server
about 7,000 files uploaded and 6500 of them completely useless to me
Not when your users are from USA/Europe, hell i'm from the thirld world and i have 700kb/s download for a cheap price, but maybe they are really in need of premium sales now that CC is back, but i don't think that's why they reduced the speed, but like a said before download speed for free users doesn't really matters because what forces downloaders to get premium accounts is the 1 hour between downloads, so i guess the servers got really stresses with such speed for free users that they needed to reverte the change and chop 50kb/s away from reg users.
ikoruna is good, sold many extabit premiums via this payment processor. uploaded should never increase the download speed for guests and free users again, 50/100 kbs are suffice for them.
ikoruna is good, uploaded should never increase the download speed for guests and free users again, 50/100 kbs are suffice for them and should never delete CC payment method.
Sounds like you never worked with Filesonic/Wupload, they used to give 400kb/s to free users and you could sell several premium daily with little content, and their waiting time was actually 20/30min between downloads, if you limit way to much the free user, he just move away to another download options, giving them a peek on your content fast enough and it will bring sales since they want more, but if the download takes 2 hours, he 1.- will cancel the download, 2.- he will lose interest 3.- he will find similar content somewhere else and will just forget about your files after the first download is completed.
shit! my downloads dropped by half! thus not of uploaded!! have downloads that are not being counted!! return as it was before!!

I agree with your friend, download speed makes users not using the host!!
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