new FM looks progressive one:sun: (finally u updated as promised)
folders organized (finally) and files are
not appearing finally on root let's perform some search now. well done<3
250 or 500 added per page
- new FM page load is extremely fast.
- when u setup 100 files -> 2nd page goes FAST not like old FM one
- also performed search results are faster than before.
let's try with chrome now
as for payments either u have to accept their rules and wait or del.files leave it. at least they are clear on that and you know not need to ask again and again. nothing gonna change really. host is not for anyone especially people used weekly payouts for small amounts etc..
there is that option
play a little bit more
select files
go down to bottom
click long links
now u have the links with filename
can't find
backup copy option :facepalm::facepalm:
all rest in new FM working sorting files-folders-delete-move-and search