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FilePost can you fix the problem of RU !?!?!?!?!? it is going to make me crazy huh !!!!!
even i used Filejungle url ,all my files are still in queue !!!!
block wu to fp or even disabled RU?
i don't care anyway..only use lftp,used to get 60m/s from ovh ,now the upload speed is drop a lot duno when it can back to normal
I know saying remove RU its crazy, but its a honest to God solution, we need to upload, and by FTP we get 500 kb at best, by removeing RU just for a week or two maybe the FTP speed will rise to 1-5 Mb, because lets face it, upload speed is killing all of us and FilePost too!
Totally agree with you dragos22, i know it could sound as a radical rule to forbid Remote Upload, but the real fact; 90% of RU users are spammers usually... If if this movement could benefit to the real uploaders which make money for FilePost dont know what we are waiting.

Thats all from now. Hope to return to FilePost the next week
most users are shifting from wu to filepost, since filepost is the best after wupload went down. may be thats why the servers are slow!
MaX. WU was good for PPD posters, because they had RU very fast and they could spamm a lot of files per day, but the quality was low, I think if you want to join Filepost you must have great content off wich you can get sales and maybe rebills, thats why I like Filepost because it gives real uploaders the opportunity to creat quality content and get great revenue from it.

But because all users want to move 50 TB by RU daily, we cant upload anything!
according to me DISABLE ALL UPLOAD METHODS FOREVER is the best solution

And some members are MORON here, they say DISABLE REMOTE and force people for FTP
and thousands will BUMP the FTP servers and we will LOOSE FTP servers.
Are you blind NOT to see this reality.
friend I have problem for uploads and do not forget if you lock a door, people
run to the other door and broke it. If you disable remote and if your FTP servers
are not powerfull enough, you loose EVERYTHING.
djkelaj so we will have these speed from now on? because after this night many users will start using Filpost or FileJungle or Filesonic, Wupload is dead at 1 , I think I am going to get ready for some nasty days of uploading because the future aint looking pretty right now!
Another way to improve upload speeds, why premium users don have more priority than free users uploading? Even limiting upload speed of freebies could make the system more stable and fast.
Another way to improve upload speeds, why premium users don have more priority than free users uploading? Even limiting upload speed of freebies could make the system more stable and fast.

Yet another good idea, give special privileges to Premium Members , if you want to upload fast just upgrade, that way Filepost can raise some money for some good servers!
Filepost you are killing your business if you continue with "Remote Upload" from other hosts. its very difficult to upload using web-upload and FTP because servers are overloaded with remote upload.

it affects webmasters that post unique content. also with remote upload you are allowing people to make multiple mirrors interchangeable.

anyways filesonic, fileserve, and filejungle will ban your servers soon.

stop leechers and spammers
Sonic, remote upload can be limited to get files 5 by 5 can solve problem. I had told this
solution in past filesonic and fileserve...etc and here but nobody listen to me.
BAN is not solution, acceptable limitations can be the best.
Limited? Ban? All of the method can't help anything. You must consider about number of uploader. WE ARE MANY.

@djkelaj you are right and wrong.

Right : Ban will force uploader to use the other way to upload.
Wrong : Limit RU will help. for example you limit 5 RU/user/one time. There are 1000 users RU at the same time. so it is 5000 RU queue. Believe me there are more than 1000 user that RU every single minute because there are more uploader than we can imagine in this shit business and there will be more everyday.

There are no way to add enough server for uploader too. So?

BEAR with it. Adjust your work method and EARNING.

There are a lot of flexible methods to make this overflow end, another option:

Limit BW RU per user/host daily
Limit FTP access for premium users only (This will grant active uploaders decent upload speeds)

Separate upload resources, RU servers cant be same as FTP servers.
qloolp, if so how netload or rapidshare are stil UP with ten thousands or more of remote at the same time ?????? They are MORE and MORE powerful servers. I had never seen down both companies.
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