Filejungle is not down, it is just extremely slow... I use chrome and as I wait up a few minutes it always loads up eventually

It's not a great incestive for people to buy premium on a site this slow though, they really need to do something about it. :facepalm:
And since I am here, let me complain a little from the remote upload:
1. Once a remote link is entered it cannot be cancelled, I accidentally entered the wrong links and despite me wanting to spare them the bandwidth usage, there was no button to cancel it, so the files got uploaded and I had to delete them after that.
2. I remote from personal links that end up in something like, then instead of the file name filejungle catches the last part of the link and since there is a dot it become the file extention but filejungle only lets me rename the file name and not the extention, so my file becomes
filename.rar.php@jkfcvgfeigjkget3hjkkd, a very long file extention which looks really bad. Can't you change the file renaming to include changing the extention too?