ZtreamHUB.com 2023 - HLS Streaming CDN & Unlimited Storage | Multi Upload - API | FTP | URL | 480/720/1080p


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Hello everyone​

We are from ZtreamHUB, New Generation Videos Sharing Platform

About Us

Fast Encoding.
Unlimited storage and bandwidth.
Use the fastest HLS CDN Streaming technology for your videos.
Advertising monetization from views or downloads. (0% Earnings View: Only 2 Popup ads)
Legal adult/pornographic content is allowed.

- Multi-quality video encoding 480p/720p/1080p).
- Security: You can use "Security Lock" for account, add "Allowed IP" to login and receive Email when logging in new IP.
- No expiration: Your files will be stored for life.
- Upload support: Web, Remote, FTP, Clone.
- Upload Size: Up to files as large as 15GB PREMIUM 5GB FREE
- Custom Ads: You can place your own ads in the player... as a premium user can put your ads

- Minimum payout is $20.
- Payment requests are processed as quickly as possible within 24 hours.
- Payout Options: PayPal, USDT TRC20. For more payment methods please contact us
All ratings are listed for 10 000 views and downloads (embedded views also count).

Earn Money
- Views/Downloads are counted upto 1 within 24 hours per user/IP.
- Video must be longer than 1 minute.
- 10% of videos must be viewed to be considered paid.
- When ads are blocked, views are not counted.
- Traffic from third party applications will not be counted.
- No reward for automatic download.
- Attempting to make revenue using misleading/bot/LQ/unethical will result in an immediate ban.

Join us now!
For more about Affiliate Program
You can register an account now here: Registration
Looking forward to working with you in the near future!
You can contact us here
- Telegram : @ZtreamHUB
- Email : support@ztreamhub.com
Porn is not accepted?
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Another question, why is the embed player different from the one displayed in the direct link?

Could you leave it the same as the direct link, without that central button different from the beginning? The real one appears after the first click.
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