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Waiting since 30.04.2024 and now Support doesn´t answer anymore. No payment and no answer from support anymore.

And now new payout request from 31.05.2024.

It is absolutely normal for ddownload not to reply to tickets.
I have never seen such incompetent support.

They pay to everyone if your payment get delay you must open ticket they will surely pay you
They are best in this business .
Thank you

ddownload is definitely not the best
- payouts ALWAYS come outside the promised time period (usually 2 weeks+ later)
- servers often do not work properly (forwarding ends in an error or the files are unusable because they were not uploaded completely)
- i don't need to say much about the support. it is not available

i NEVER had problems with rapidgator in comparison
- support always answers within a day
- payout ALWAYS within the promised time period (sometimes even within a few hours)
- servers always work
Dear Affiliate Partners,

To clarify once again: We have discontinued official support here, but we are still reachable through our ticket system. We apologize if there are any delays in responses.

We are currently setting up a new, separate page for our affiliate users to enable better communication.

To dispel all rumors:

  • Our services are continuing as usual.
  • There are no issues.
The payout cycle is always 7 - 14 days, and for larger payments always 30 days or more. This has always been the case and will not change in the future.We decide who we want as affiliate partners based on our risk assessment.

We still offer special conditions for major affiliates, which can only be obtained through our ticket system. Details are available exclusively through our ticket system.

To clarify once more: We have discontinued official support here and are only reachable through our official website. We thank the administration of Wjunction for their support over the past years.

The reason for discontinuing public support is due to our personal interests. It has nothing to do with the administration of Wjunction, nor with our services or affiliate users.
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Dear Affiliate Partners,

To clarify once again: We have discontinued official support here, but we are still reachable through our ticket system. We apologize if there are any delays in responses.

We are currently setting up a new, separate page for our affiliate users to enable better communication.

To dispel all rumors:

  • Our services are continuing as usual.
  • There are no issues.
The payout cycle is always 7 - 14 days, and for larger payments always 30 days or more. This has always been the case and will not change in the future.We decide who we want as affiliate partners based on our risk assessment.

We still offer special conditions for major affiliates, which can only be obtained through our ticket system. Details are available exclusively through our ticket system.

To clarify once more: We have discontinued official support here and are only reachable through our official website. We thank the administration of Wjunction for their support over the past years.

The reason for discontinuing public support is due to our personal interests. It has nothing to do with the administration of Wjunction, nor with our services or affiliate users.
@Tango please close this thread.

The maximum upload size is only 2GB which is not enough for us, our files range from 3GB to 8GB so please make the upload size of our account 8GB. Our username is kuber666
Dear Affiliate Partners,

To clarify once again: We have discontinued official support here, but we are still reachable through our ticket system. We apologize if there are any delays in responses.

We are currently setting up a new, separate page for our affiliate users to enable better communication.

To dispel all rumors:

  • Our services are continuing as usual.
  • There are no issues.
The payout cycle is always 7 - 14 days, and for larger payments always 30 days or more. This has always been the case and will not change in the future.We decide who we want as affiliate partners based on our risk assessment.

We still offer special conditions for major affiliates, which can only be obtained through our ticket system. Details are available exclusively through our ticket system.

To clarify once more: We have discontinued official support here and are only reachable through our official website. We thank the administration of Wjunction for their support over the past years.

The reason for discontinuing public support is due to our personal interests. It has nothing to do with the administration of Wjunction, nor with our services or affiliate users.

that is simply not true.

  • "Our services are continuing as usual."
Well, that's true, but “usual” is exactly what I once wrote somewhere here.
  • "There are no issues."
there are still files that have only been partially uploaded. for example, 1 GB has only been uploaded to 200 mb. unfortunately, this is not uncommon.
many files also say that maintenance work is being carried out, which is simply not true. or do you have maintenance work going on for weeks? and then only for one file?

"The payout cycle is always 7 - 14 days, and for larger payments always 30 days or more. This has always been the case and will not change in the future.We decide who we want as affiliate partners based on our risk assessment."

Your requested payout will always be paid within a week to a maximum of 10 days. In case of unpaid amounts within 10 days, please open a support ticket. Make sure that you always request a payout before Friday.

Four-digit sums ($$$$) can take up to a month and is part of the normal procedure of payment. Three-digit payouts ($$$) are usually paid out within a week, in some cases it can take several weeks.

What more can be said here?
Let's just say I would be one of those with three-digit payouts.
it has been taking much longer than 2 weeks for months. “some cases” would also be redundant here.

even now I'm waiting another 3 weeks for a payout.

We still offer special conditions for major affiliates, which can only be obtained through our ticket system. Details are available exclusively through our ticket system.

I have already mentioned several times that tickets are simply closed.
how are you supposed to get information?
How are you supposed to report broken files?
how are you supposed to report other issues?

tickets are closed unanswered and that's what upsets me the most.
In my case, tickets are now also simply closed after weeks of no response.
So I can confirm that.

Everything has already slowed down a lot.
Some of my parts keep disappearing because some servers are buggy again.

Or some files are displayed as online (via API) but are on a corrupt server and simply cannot be downloaded. But since the API says online, it is very difficult and time-consuming to find them.

I also asked about this months ago.