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  1. S - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    Ul plz check my payment ID: 3038586
  2. S

    Selling High Quality Logo Design starting at $5!

    Hi, I need a logo for size ( (165 x 60 px) ) and i was wondering if a can get for the same price a FB timeline cover..nothing fancy, just something that dosen`t take you too much time to make it. Let me know.. Thanks!
  3. S 2xE5-2420,5620,E3-1230 32/64 GB RAM, 1&2 GBPS From $6.99/month(NL,FR,USA)

    CPU abuse...WTF!!! i had open only the fk the fk is that CPU abuse.. and what is this? i guess i fk`up the CPU YouTube this is you call a good service.. You want me to open a ticket, for what.. so other people can`t see what shiiit are you selling
  4. S 2xE5-2420,5620,E3-1230 32/64 GB RAM, 1&2 GBPS From $6.99/month(NL,FR,USA)

    Realy man?!!? im using too much CPU.. YouTube i can`t even login to the fk server..the first time you sold this to me, didn`t workt.. just browsing the web, and i reveived a message i was using to much CPU..WTF? Send my money back..and lets finish this shi...t, i had enough of your fk shiiit...
  5. S 2xE5-2420,5620,E3-1230 32/64 GB RAM, 1&2 GBPS From $6.99/month(NL,FR,USA)

    Remote service is to busy...after server was down now this, :((((((((