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  1. D Discussion

    Just want to say one thing. Whoever is still using streamvid is fucking idiot
  2. D

    Porn Uploaders for Streaming (ALL HOSTS)

    Send me pm. If you have good traffic i will uplaod
  3. D Discussion

    Thanks for payment
  4. D Discussion

    I am gonna wait For 2 days. After that I will move on
  5. D Discussion

    Anyone know how to contact streamvid. There payment are always late. Without communication it feels like they will not pay. Atleast they should communicate
  6. D Discussion

    Sir, my Payment has been Pending Since 16 Jan, 2024. Please pay me. Its Been 19 Day Today
  7. D Discussion

    Which host is giving you 5 dollars per 1000 views. Cause today I am getting 450views / dollar. Yesterday I was earning 400 views / dollar. Income is decreasing drastically
  8. D Discussion

    Sorry, But I Can't Call Him a Scammer. Cause he is paying me on time. He is reducing income cause at what rate he is giving to us. Must be not profitable for him. So he is reducing our income to make website profitable 1704429550 He should change rate chart. So everyone can understand what...
  9. D Discussion

    Income is dropping like waterfall. When days were good I used to earn 300views per 1 dollar. But nowadays I am earning 400 views per 1 dollar. Hope there will be no decrease in income in future
  10. D Discussion

    My account is working fine. Are you still facing issue
  11. D Discussion

    Just got payment. Thanks admin
  12. D Discussion

    Just got payment. Thanks for building trust. Nowadays I don't worry about payment. I am 100 percent sure that I will recieve my payment sooner or later
  13. D Discussion

    Logical or illogical?
  14. D Discussion

    Views has been drop but views earings ratio has been increased. Before today I was earing average of 430 views for 1 dollar. But today I earn 300 views for 1 dollar
  15. D Discussion

    Guys, today I am feeling huge drop in views. Is it just me and anyone also faces that. Please confirm me
  16. D Discussion

    Got Payment. Thanks admin
  17. D

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Hi Jennifer, I watched your website. You are using two host Rapidgator and Ddownload. I just want to which host is getting you more money and more sales. Side by side comparison
  18. D Discussion

    Send me your links. Let me see
  19. D Discussion

    This error was always there. If we reload page for 4 to 5 times. We will be able to watch videos. This Couldn't be reason for fall in income
  20. D Discussion

    I tried almost every streaming host. None of host is providing good money. I think I should stop uplaod streaming videos and switch to downloading videos like Rapidgator, k2s , download etc. Atleast they are strong host. They always pay on time. These streaming host are worse