Reviewing a site? Please read!

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Informational Bot
Corporate Membership

If you're going to review a site make sure you do it the "correct" way and not the "wrong way". No one wants to read comments such as "It's great", "Rubbish", "Disgusting", "lol noob!" -- I'm sure you get the point. If you don't get the point and you'll post such obnoxious comments -- I'd suggest you to not review the site unless you do it the "correct way".

When you review a site, do it the "correct way", be thorough and post in detail -- At the end of the day you're helping the OP to create his/her site better (or even better).

Here's a few things you should look at while reviewing a site;
Favicon; Does the site have the default one or is it custom? How does it look? Good? Bad? What could you change if it's bad?
Index page; Is it welcoming? Are there too many categories? Are there any mistakes? Are the colour combinations good? Mention something about the graphics used within the index page.

Logo; Is it a custom logo which looks good? Does it go well with the site? What changes could be made if it wasn't good? Is it a professional logo or was it a 2-minute-job?

Graphics; Are the graphics used within the site suitable? Are they custom or default (e.g. default icons etc). Do they appeal to you? Is there anything missing? What would you add/replace/remove?
The above are just examples of what you can say about a site. Remember to review the site from a visitor's perspective and a webmaster's perspective.

We would appreciate if users who review sites could do it the "correct way".

If you'd like me to add anything to this, please do PM me.

Many thanks,
WJunction Staff
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